Great Free Music-Making Programs

The world of music software has totally democratized the business of creating music, making previously unaffordable studio technology available at prices almost anyone can afford. Modern Digital Audio Workstations include technology that used to cost hundreds of thousands of bucks at a price of a few hundred instead.

But even a “few hundred” bucks is a lot of money, especially to those just starting out, or who aren’t making music professionally. But that doesn’t need to be a barrier to entry because there are some amazingly good music apps out there that are absolutely free to download and use.

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ProTipsPlugins, VST, Free, DAW
A Musician's Guide to USB

USB, or the Universal Serial Bus, has been with us now for over twenty years. It seems strange to consider the modern world without USB; those of us old enough, however, remember a strange and confusing time.

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Using Backing Tracks - A Beginners Guide

In the modern world, the use of backing tracks is widespread and accepted as an essential part of today’s live music experience.

Each different type and size of act will have different requirements, but there are some common features and things to bear in mind when setting out to use backing tracks for your own live performances. Let’s look at the different possibilities…

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How to, ProTips
Ethernet MIDI for Live Musicians - an iConnectivity Guide

Go to any gig or concert nowadays, and the keen-eyed gig-goer is likely to see more computer technology on-stage than ever before. More and more artists are using computers for live concert playback and using plugin soft-synths instead of hardware MIDI modules.

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The Challenges of Running Computers Live

A modern computer is so powerful and so capable of controlling virtually every aspect of our live shows, that it's become the heart of many musician's live performances. With that though, comes the great danger that with a computer failure comes a complete failure of the gig itself!

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Guest User
Great Records made on Junky Equipment

Happy with the songs he recorded, the songs were mixed from the TEAC 144 with a touch of Echoplex delay onto a boombox.... which had previously managed to end up submerged in a river by accident. The tracks were a little wonky sounding, with obvious distortion in places, but hey - they're demos right?

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Guest User
Why the Obsession with Audio Quality?

At what point does the quest for audio quality begin to overtake the suitability of the interface for the job in hand? At what point does the quest for the greatest headroom, the widest bandwidth, and the tightest clocking get in the way of making music?

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Guest User